Western Washington Amateur Radio Licensing Classes, Training Classes  and Examination Sessions

(Last update Friday, March 21, 2025 06:58)

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Pacific Northwest Hamfairs & Events

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Licensing Classes

Date Class Organization Location Additional Info/Contact
Ongoing All   http://www.arrl.org/find-an-amateur-radio-license-class
Ongoing Tech
March 22 & 29

9 AM to 5 PM both days including exam

Tech Mike and Key Amateur Radio Club The River Community Center
3701 I Street NE
Auburn, WA 98002
Contact Daniel Stevens, KL7WM, at KL7WM@aol.com . Specify the date of the class
April 19 and 26, 2025

9 AM to 5 PM both days including exam

Tech Mike and Key Amateur Radio Club

Northshore Fire Station 51

7220 NE 181st

Kenmore, WA 98028

Contact Daniel Stevens, KL7WM, at KL7WM@aol.com . Specify the date of the class


Other Classes, Nets and Conferences

Date Event Organization Location Contact
Continuous Rookie Roundtable Net   Snoqualmie Valley ARC Thursday evenings at 7:00pm local time.  (There is no net on the first Thursday of each month due the SnoVARC monthly meeting)

441.825 MHz + PL 103.5

The purpose of this net is to give newer hams a chance to connect with other hams on the air. By sharing experiences and knowledge we can help each other further our journey into the ham radio hobby.   Even if you have been a ham for a long time, we still invite you to join in the round-table discussions. Those that are newer to the hobby can benefit greatly from your shared experiences.

Kirt White, K7KDW,  kirtwhite@hotmail.com

Continuous     Online https://radio-relay.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/RRI-Training-Classes-3Q-2022.pdf


March 22-23 2024 - 8am to 5pm ACES Basic Course Kirkland, WA https://www.oregonaces.org/registration/register-for-class


Amateur Radio Licensing (Volunteer Examiner) Sessions

Note:  Most licensing classes and hamfests include VE sessions.   Contact class sponsors and hamfair staff to determine if tests will be included in their event.

Date Organization Location Contact
Continuous Hamstudy Remote https://blog.hamstudy.org/2020/06/so-you-want-to-take-a-remote-exam/


Continuous   Chehalis Valley ARS

Chehalis Valley Amateur Radio Society VE testing every other month (even numbered months) generally on the 3rd Saturday of the month. 

For more information go to: www.cvars.org  or send email to: k7cex@comcast.net
Continuous   Lake Washington Ham Club Remote http://hamstudy.org/sessions/ae7td

Contact:  Dave Wickert, AE7TD, dwickert@hotmail.com

Continuous   Mike & Key ARC Various Puget Sound locations  http://www.mikeandkey.org/vesessions.php#ve_mikeandkey
April 17       Cascade Radio Club Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management
720 80th St SW Ste A
Everett WA 98203-6217
(Walk-ins allowed)

Contact: Richard H. Hawkinson
(425) 948-6740  w7rmh1@gmail.com


April 19 Clark County ARC 49th Street LDS Chapel
14219 NE 49th St
Vancouver, WA 98682

Time: 10:00 AM (Pre-registration required - no walk-ins)
Contact: Wayne Schuler, (360) 892-5580

email license-testing@w7aia.org to pre-register.



May 10



Whatcom Emergency Communications Group

South Whatcom Fire Authority Station 21

4518 Cable Street

Bellingham, WA 98229

Contact:  Dave Holland, WA6DH. wa6dh@arrl.net (360)739-6883
May 15       Cascade Radio Club Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management
720 80th St SW Ste A
Everett WA 98203-6217
(Walk-ins allowed)

Contact: Richard H. Hawkinson
(425) 948-6740  w7rmh1@gmail.com


May 17 Clark County ARC 49th Street LDS Chapel
14219 NE 49th St
Vancouver, WA 98682

Time: 10:00 AM (Pre-registration required - no walk-ins)
Contact: Wayne Schuler, (360) 892-5580

email license-testing@w7aia.org to pre-register.


May 19

7:00 pm

Stanwood Camano Amateur Radio Club

Cedarhome Baptist Church
29000 68TH AVE NW
Stanwood, WA 98292-6419                                                        

(Main floor of the detached classroom building on the North side of the church campus.)


Please contact the club to make a reservation
Walk-ins are welcome.

Contact:  w7pig@arrl.net or (360)939-1131

June 19       Cascade Radio Club Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management
720 80th St SW Ste A
Everett WA 98203-6217
(Walk-ins allowed)

Contact: Richard H. Hawkinson
(425) 948-6740  w7rmh1@gmail.com


June 21 Clark County ARC 49th Street LDS Chapel
14219 NE 49th St
Vancouver, WA 98682

Time: 10:00 AM (Pre-registration required - no walk-ins)
Contact: Wayne Schuler, (360) 892-5580

email license-testing@w7aia.org to pre-register.



July 12


Whatcom Emergency Communications Group

South Whatcom Fire Authority Station 21

4518 Cable Street

Bellingham, WA 98229

Contact:  Dave Holland, WA6DH. wa6dh@arrl.net (360)739-6883
July 17       Cascade Radio Club Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management
720 80th St SW Ste A
Everett WA 98203-6217
(Walk-ins allowed)

Contact: Richard H. Hawkinson
(425) 948-6740  w7rmh1@gmail.com


July 19 Clark County ARC 49th Street LDS Chapel
14219 NE 49th St
Vancouver, WA 98682

Time: 10:00 AM (Pre-registration required - no walk-ins)
Contact: Wayne Schuler, (360) 892-5580

email license-testing@w7aia.org to pre-register.


July 21

7:00 pm

Stanwood Camano Amateur Radio Club

Cedarhome Baptist Church
29000 68TH AVE NW
Stanwood, WA 98292-6419                                                                 

(Main floor of the detached classroom building on the North side of the church campus.)


Please contact the club to make a reservation
Walk-ins are welcome.

Contact:  w7pig@arrl.net or (360)939-1131

August 16
Clark County ARC 49th Street LDS Chapel
14219 NE 49th St
Vancouver, WA 98682

Time: 10:00 AM (Pre-registration required - no walk-ins)
Contact: Wayne Schuler, (360) 892-5580

email license-testing@w7aia.org to pre-register.


August 21       Cascade Radio Club Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management
720 80th St SW Ste A
Everett WA 98203-6217
(Walk-ins allowed)

Contact: Richard H. Hawkinson
(425) 948-6740  w7rmh1@gmail.com


Sep. 15

7:00 pm

Stanwood Camano Amateur Radio Club

Cedarhome Baptist Church
29000 68TH AVE NW
Stanwood, WA 98292-6419                                                                

(Main floor of the detached classroom building on the North side of the church campus.)


Please contact the club to make a reservation
Walk-ins are welcome.

Contact:  mailto:w7pig@arrl.net or (360)939-1131

September 18       Cascade Radio Club Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management
720 80th St SW Ste A
Everett WA 98203-6217
(Walk-ins allowed)

Contact: Richard H. Hawkinson
(425) 948-6740  w7rmh1@gmail.com


Sept. 20 Clark County ARC 49th Street LDS Chapel
14219 NE 49th St
Vancouver, WA 98682

Time: 10:00 AM (Pre-registration required - no walk-ins)
Contact: Wayne Schuler, (360) 892-5580

email license-testing@w7aia.org to pre-register.


Sept. 27

Whatcom Emergency Communications Group


South Whatcom Fire Authority Station 21

4518 Cable Street

Bellingham, WA 98229

Contact:  Dave Holland, WA6DH. wa6dh@arrl.net (360)739-6883
October 16       Cascade Radio Club Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management
720 80th St SW Ste A
Everett WA 98203-6217
(Walk-ins allowed)

Contact: Richard H. Hawkinson
(425) 948-6740  w7rmh1@gmail.com


October 18 Clark County ARC 49th Street LDS Chapel
14219 NE 49th St
Vancouver, WA 98682

Time: 10:00 AM (Pre-registration required - no walk-ins)
Contact: Wayne Schuler, (360) 892-5580

email license-testing@w7aia.org to pre-register.



November 8



Whatcom Emergency Communications Group

South Whatcom Fire Authority Station 21

4518 Cable Street

Bellingham, WA 98229

Contact:  Dave Holland, WA6DH. wa6dh@arrl.net (360)739-6883
November 15 Clark County ARC 49th Street LDS Chapel
14219 NE 49th St
Vancouver, WA 98682

Time: 10:00 AM (Pre-registration required - no walk-ins)
Contact: Wayne Schuler, (360) 892-5580

email license-testing@w7aia.org to pre-register.


November 17

7:00 pm

Stanwood Camano Amateur Radio Club

Cedarhome Baptist Church
29000 68TH AVE NW
Stanwood, WA 98292-6419

(Main floor of the detached classroom building on the North side of the church campus.)


Please contact the club to make a reservation
Walk-ins are welcome.

Contact:  w7pig@arrl.net or (360)939-1131

November 20       Cascade Radio Club Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management
720 80th St SW Ste A
Everett WA 98203-6217
(Walk-ins allowed)

Contact: Richard H. Hawkinson
(425) 948-6740  w7rmh1@gmail.com


December 20 Clark County ARC 49th Street LDS Chapel
14219 NE 49th St
Vancouver, WA 98682

Time: 10:00 AM (Pre-registration required - no walk-ins)
Contact: Wayne Schuler, (360) 892-5580

email license-testing@w7aia.org to pre-register.



Information for Class Sponsors

Please keep your listing concise with just the dates, name of the sponsor, location, brief comments and contact information.  If possible, provide a link to your club web page with full information about the class.  This allows the club to update the listing as necessary.    Another option is to provide a link to a class flyer in PDF.


Disclaimer:  I do my best to keep up with scheduling changes on these events, but there is always the chance that one will be canceled or re-scheduled and I will not find out about it.  I suggest that you verify all dates and locations with the sponsor.  If you find any inaccuracies, please contact me at .  Thanks!

 All materials on this site are copyrighted by the author. Unauthorized use is prohibited. For permission to reproduce anything on this site please contact the webmaster.  Please feel free to link to this web page.  If you use this page as source material for club newsletters or other publications I request that you cite the source with the statement:  "Source:  Western Washington Amateur Radio Licensing Classes and Examination Sessions at http://www.n7cfo.com/amradio/hf/cls&ve.htm  "

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