Hamfair Sponsor Information

The PNW ARRL Division webpage has a link to this webpage so it is getting a lot of traffic.  Advance information about your hamfairs will be add to your attendance. 

If you provide flyers I will post them on the hamfair page in Adobe Acrobat PDF. 

I find that many club web pages are not kept up to date, and this is discouraging for readers.  If you have set the date for your upcoming hamfest please post it on your website as soon as possible.  If you don't have full information, a placeholder page with contact information will be appreciated.

If there is a cancellation, location change, date change, etc. please notify me and I will spread the word by posting a bulletin on the top of the page. 



                                                                                    Lynn Burlingame, N7CFO    

                                                                                    n7cfo [at] n7cfo.com

                                                                                    15621 SE 26th Street

                                                                                    Bellevue, WA 98008





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