Mount Jupiter

(Courtesy of K7CW)


(Last Update September 18, 2011 )

General.  1730 foot elevation west of Brinnon.

Driving Instructions:  Driving south of Brinnon on Highway 101, after a few miles, watch for the Mt Jupiter road sign. Take the right turn (west) and follow the main road (which is paved at first, but quickly turns to gravel) and signs to the Mt Jupiter trailhead. Once you get to the trailhead, you will understand why you can't operate there, so turn around and backtrack a little to find a suitable turnoff to the right. It's not great for Vancouver or Victoria, but excellent for everything else. The shot to CN72 on 2m is a PIPELINE.

There is also a second location:  Shortly before getting to the trailhead, the road Ys, with the left fork going to the trailhead. The right fork goes to the spot which, if you succeed making it across the trench, is a short drive farther to a wide spot on the spur road. This second spot may be better to operate from if you're willing to risk getting stuck in the trench. It certainly is more level there.  (K7CW)