Carter Ridge


(Courtesy of KU7M)

(Last Updated 01/02/2004


Driving Instructions: 

1. South on Hwy 101 going out of Florence, take a left on to Canary Rd. (about 2.3 miles from the bridge)

2. Follow Canary Rd for about 4 miles and take the left fork on to Maple Rd. (This is marked on maps as FR-953, but the actual sign says Maple Rd)

3. About 3.5 miles from turning on to Maple Rd is the first operating location, right on the edge of CN73/CN83 border. (Elevation is about 850ft)

4. If you go another 1/2 mile down the road you hit the second spot, which is in CN83. The reason for going farther into CN83 is because you gain about 150 feet of elevation and get to spot with a clear shot to the North. The GPS coordinates of this spot are 43.95548 degrees North, 123.98324 degrees West)