
(Last Update May 19, 2005 )


Note:  Grid boundaries in CN75 can be hard to find without a GPS!  The exact locations of grid lines are difficult to determine from maps because map projections vary significantly.  Several maps indicate that CN75 is accessible from Three Rocks Road, just north of Lincoln City.  I drove this area thoroughly in 1999 with a GPS and was unable to get into CN75.
Location Name Description General Location Altitude (feet) Grid Lat/Lon DeLorme
Roads End State Park Wayside parking lot on the beach. NW of Lincoln City, OR 10' (!) CN75xa N45° 00.483 W124°  00.572 32/A1
Voyage Avenue Subdivision under construction NW of Lincoln City, OR 300' approx CN75   32/A1
Cape Lookout Hike-in site North of Lincoln City, OR   CN75   58/B1