Radar Hill
(Courtesy of K7MDL)
Last Update October 05, 2003
General. This site is easy to get to. It is a tourist area, just south of Tofino. The gate is closed at night by park rangers. There is a very good shot to the south. The road is paved all the way to the top. There is a thin ring of fir trees that obscure the view but 6M through 432 proved very good into Puget Sound and points south. $10 (Canadian) is required to enter park. It is payable at a self service machine so bring cash. Two parking lots are at the end of the road a short distance from the highway. I preferred the upper lot. There is a rock wall at the back of the lot which might serve as a reflector. There is an outhouse available and a viewpoint looking primarily west, but a SE shot is possible if you can carry your gear out to the viewpoint rail. This might be 10-12 yards from the parking lot. Consider making a CN78 to CN79 microwave shot if other rovers are in the area.