Hagelstean Mountain


Courtesy of K3UHF

(Last update May 26, 2004 )


Driving Instructions:  Turn west on the road going up Hagelstean mountain at Hagelstean park (12 miles north of Klamath Falls).  If going south on 97, this will be the park on your left after traveling next to a 5 mile long mountain next to Klamath lake, just past Modoc Point. 

Travel up the incline and take every gravel road on your left.  When you reach the point where the road stops going up and you are within a few feet of the face of the cliff you have reached the highest point on the cliff.  There is a good shot North, west and south and some access to the west.  Several mountains make good reflectors to get into the Umpqua and Rouge valleys. 
In june the road may be open to algoma point @ 6900 feet about 6 miles west.  In low snow years this point is available in January.
Here is a photo for cn92  (