Moses Mountain
(Courtesy of WR7X)
(Last updated August 26, 2008 )
General. 21 miles east of Omak WA. Rewarding operating site for those willing to punish your vehicle. Highest point on the Colville Indian Reservation. Abandoned 123' steel lookout tower on the summit (bottom stairs have been removed). Lots of scrubby trees scattered about. No neighboring peaks to interfere. A few VHF repeaters onsite. Extremely wide-open views east to west toward the south, just miles and miles of flat ground on the horizon. Site is far enough away from the Cascades it should be relatively easy to get a signal over them.
Driving Instructions: Take Hwy 155 east of Omak to Moses Mountain Road. "Road" is really bad the last 1/3 of the way, frequent washed-out switchbacks & huge boulders, 4WD REQUIRED. Don't even think about towing anything behind you, you'll be lucky to get your rig up there alone.