Big Southern Butte Lookout

(Courtesy of WR7X)


Last update January 05, 2003

General.  23 miles SE of Arco ID.  There was an opened gate at the base of the butte.  Check ahead with BLM on this.  If there is a lookout on duty, they may not appreciate having company for an entire weekend.  The road is a bit steep in places.  The reward is at the top, Big Southern is a good 2,000-3,500' above the surrounding sagelands with nothing of comparable height for miles.  There are a few repeaters on the summit.

Driving Instructions.  - DeLorme maps aren't real accurate for this desolate part of Idaho. Access is via Taber Road 1 mile south of Atomic City, with a signed intersection pointing toward the butte. There are two ways to get to the top, but the best I found was staying to the south of the butte, and circling around the west side, dodging potholes the whole way.  The road to the top doesn't show on the maps, but it comes up from the northwest side.  There was an opened gate at the base of the butte. 

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