Pacific Northwest Rover and Mountaintop Locations

(Last update September 14, 2011)

These are proven Pacific Northwest VHF operating locations.  Many of the descriptions and driving directions listed were provided from memory by various VHFers, so please remember that they may not be absolutely accurate.

I have listed known factors about these locations.  Since this information may change, please email me at n7cfo(at) and provide me with updated information if you visit these locations.  You will note that I have listed several closed locations or locations that were not successful for one reason or another.  I think that it is important to do so - this could save another VHFer a wasted trip.

The "DeLorme" locations refer to the map page and grid in the DeLorme map books. If you provide information about a site, please specify the altitude in feet.  The height above local terrain will also be helpful.

    CO72 CO82 C092 DO02 DO12 DO22 DO32 DO42 DO52 DO62
    CO71 CO81 CO91 DO01 DO11 DO21 DO31 DO41 DO51 DO61
CO50 CO60 C070 CO80 CO90 DO00 DO10 DO20 DO30 DO40 DO50 DO60
  CN69 CN79 CN89 CN99 DN09 DN19 DN29 DN39 DN49 DN59 DN69
    CN78 CN88 CN98 DN08 DN18 DN28 DN38 DN48 DN58 DN68
    CN77 CN87 CN97 DN07 DN17 DN27 DN37 DN47 DN57 DN67
    CN76 CN86 CN96 DN06 DN16 DN26 DN36 DN46 DN56 DN66
    CN75 CN85 CN95 DN05 DN15 DN25 DN35 DN45 DN55 DN65
    CN74 CN84 CN94 DN04 DN14 DN24 DN34 DN44 DN54 DN64
    CN73 CN83 CN93 DN03 DN13 DN23 DN33 DN43 DN53 DN63
    CN72 CN82 CN92 DN02 DN12 DN22 DN32 DN42 DN52 DN62
    CN71 CN81 CN91 DN01 DN11 DN21 DN31 DN41 DN51 DN61
    CN70 CN80 CN90 DN00 DN10 DN20 DN30 DN40 DN50 DN60

Grid Corners

CN87/CN97/CN88/CN98 CN75/CN85/CN74/CN84 CN72/CN82/CN73/CN83
CN76/CN77/CN86/CN87 CN86/CN87/CN96/CN97  

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